Saturday, March 23, 2013

a little inspiration

today has just been lame.

i don't really have any other words for it. lots of homework to catch up on. it's been gloomy outside since we got home thursday afternoon {no sunshine!}. i'm not wearing any cute clothes.

it's just a debbie-downer day.

so i decided to award myself, give myself a little pick-me-up, for completing my homework with a project. listening to one of my favorites in the news world {glenn beck, don't judge me!}, i was inspired by his words. i was also inspired by some lovely color combos at one of my favorite color palette sites: design seeds.

this is oh, so true in all aspects of our lives! we can apply this to ourselves, our friends, our work, our children, those we work with, for, etc. in all areas, demand excellence.

see! don't you feel better? i do! now i'm gonna go demand an excellent snack. happy weekend!

inspiration: spring glow || design seeds