Monday, November 4, 2013

lovable apps

i've been going app crazy since the new ios7 came out. i have loved the simplistic design and the new apps that fit it so perfectly are making the perfectionist in me bubble up with happiness because they all... match! ah! it's some kind of miracle.

i shall share with you a few apps that have really captured my heart recently.

everest is the top of my list right now. it's a goal setting app. you create an everest and each time you take a step, you record it. you can create steps ahead of time, too [excellent for us check like people] and put reminders on them. it is a community based app, so you can follow other climbers and instead of likes you get inspired [it's a little flame icon. cute, right?]. love this app! I have 3 everests I'm working on right now, and it really does help. 

kicksend is another awesome one. i have yet to put it into full use, but the concept is, well... duh! don't know why someone didn't think of it earlier... or why it took me so long to find it. i don't know. basically, it's an app for you to order prints of your iphone pictures... from your phone! you can have them mailed right to you, or enter your zip and it shows you all the participating stores you can send them to for pick up. aaaaand, they print squares! whaaaa? I know. and you could send them to... your mom! or your gramma! or someone else who just wants pictures of you for keepsakes. once i have more than two or three i really want printed, i will be taking advantage of this little masterpiece.

so far, that's all i got. but these may be enough to keep you busy for a few days. is anyone still swooning over how pretty your phone is? or am i just silly? probably silly.